It was great meeting you guys yesterday! I hope to learn more about your interests, majors, and career goals as we have a chance to chat through the semester. Here’s a few links to get you started:
- Website: BeachArts.ca
- Syllabus: beacharts.ca/fall15-syllabus
- Materials: beacharts.ca/fall15-materials
- Roster: beacharts.ca/fall15-roster
- This Week’s Activity: beacharts.ca/activity/web-design
- Next Week’s Activity: beacharts.ca/activity/plaster
As we discussed in class, we won’t start our Thursday Gallery Visits till Week 3. Starting then, and for the rest of the semester, you’ll do 3 blog posts / week. For week’s 1 & 2 you only have the activity to do.
Who’s “We”?
The students enrolled in Art110 for Fall ’15, aka You Guys! are:
- Freshmen – 33
- Sophomores – 71
- Juniors – 8
- Seniors – 13
- American Studies – 1
- Chinese Studies – 2
- Business / Marketing / Management – 16
- Engineering – 12
- Computer Science – 3
- Bio / Chem – 6
- Math – 2
- Communication – 4
- Psychology – 3
- Sociology / Social Work – 8
- Criminal Justice – 11
- Nursing – 4
- Health – 11
- Human Development – 2
- Child Development – 4
- Recreation – 1
- Kinesiology – 6
- Athletic Training – 1
- Fashion – 4
- Film & Electronic Arts – 4
- Dance – 1
- Undeclared – 19
We discovered on Tuesday that almost all of us are from California! Mostly SoCal, but with some San Jose, Sacramento & Stocton’s mixed in. We do have 2 students from other states and 3 from other countries. I might be remembering wrong (please LMK!) but I think it was:
- Virginia
- Nebraska
- South Korea
- Spain
- Germany
I wish we had even more international students and students from other states, but it’s awesome to have these 5! Be sure to chat with them when you have the chance. As I tried to describe on Tuesday with the “Designed by Apple in California; assembled in China” discussion, I think diversity is at the heart of creativity. We often think of style as something that comes top down, from people like Tory Burch or Taylor Swift, but if you really look around, style so often comes bottom up from street culture. Of course creativity is valuable in “creative” fields like Art or Design or Marketing, but I’m convinced that “creativity” is also an essential element in being a great Accountant or Biochemist or Physical Therapist.
You Are Here:
23 Campuses
The California State University (CSU) is composed of 23 campuses and eight off-campus centers enrolling 437,000 students with 44,000 faculty members and staff. The CSU is the largest four-year public university system in the United States. With nearly 100,000 graduates annually, the CSU is the country’s greatest producer of bachelor’s degrees. The CSU system headquarters are right here in Long Beach, at 401 Golden Shore.1
8 Colleges
California State University, Long Beach is composed of 8 Colleges:2
- College of the Arts
- College of Business Administration
- College of Education
- College of Engineering
- College of Health & Human Services
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- College of Continuing & Professional Education
6 Departments
The College of the Arts is composed of 6 Departments:3
- School of Art
- Department of Dance
- Department of Design
- Department of Film & Electronic Arts
- Cole Conservatory of Music
- Department of Theatre Arts
Here’s a welcome to you from College of the Arts Dean, Cyrus Parker-Jeannette
Here’s a welcome to you from School of Art Director, Karen Kleinfelder
- Coming Soon!
- Wikipedia: California State University ↩
- CSULB.edu: Colleges & Departments ↩
- CSULB.edu: COTA Departments ↩
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