Class Overview
Each Week:
1. Discussion about Artists
3 Activities:
1. Art Experience to Try
2. Conversation with an Artist
3. Conversation with a Classmate
Each Week You Post On Your Website:
1. Art Experience Photos & Evaluation
2. Essay about your artist
3. Summary of Classmate Conversation
1. Posts due by 11:59pm Sunday Night
2. NO Late Work Accepted
3. Grading on Monday
4. Points can be viewed on BeachBoard on Tuesday
No Conversations due in Weeks 1, 2, 6, 14
• Thursday Wk 1 – In UT-108 Lab Help w WordPress Websites / Photo Activity / Class
• Thursday Wk 2 – Optional Art Experience trip to The Seal Beach Pier
• Thursday Wk 6 – Meet @SOA Galleries & head out for CSULB Campus “Photo Walks”
• Thursday Wk 14 – Meet @SOA Galleries & try group Flashmobs
Meet in UT-108
Tuesdays are discussion days. There is no homework involved. Each Tuesday we’ll form different discussion groups, surf the web for info about our 2 Artists of the Week, and discuss their work and ideas. Your group should compare and contrast the 2 artists. Finally you’ll summarize your ideas in 2 ways:
• Leave one comment for your whole group on the BeachArts.ca page for the week. Be sure to list the names and URL’s for each participant who is present.
• One or more from your group will share some comments with the whole class.
• There is no preparation required before class, and nothing to turn in after class. Simply attend, bring your Internet Device, participate, and you’re finished.
Meet in the School of Art (SOA) Art Gallery Courtyard.
3 Activities:
• Weekly Art Experience – sometimes it can be done during class. Art Experiences like painting will need to be done outside of class. Post your Art Experience on your website.
• Classmate Conversation – each Thursday you’ll have a conversation with a classmate you haven’t met yet and do a blog post about your conversation.
• Artist Conversation – each Thursday you’ll have a conversation with one of the artists exhibiting at the School of Art, Art Galleries, and do a blog post about their work.
Full Syllabus
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Format
- What’s Due?
- No Late Work
- Textbook & Materials
- Attendance
- Points and Grades
- Extra Credit
- Rubrics
- Post Names
- Sample Artist Essay
- Artist Tags
- Other Details
- No Grade Begging
- Schedule
- Final
• Section 1: Class No.1035 – F2F Course
• Instructor: Glenn Zucman
• Tuesday 11 – 12:15, UT-108
• Thursday 11 – 12:15, CSULB School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
• Final: Thursday, May 12, 2016, 10:15 – 12:15, Art Gallery Courtyard
• Tuesday 12:15 – 12:45, School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
• Thursday 12:15 – 12:45, School of Art, Art Gallery Courtyard
• By Appointment, FO4-267
• [email protected]
• 415-203-5571 or Glenn_IRS – WhatsApp, Telegram, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, etc
- None
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to Art and Ideas as practiced in the 21st century. Students will try a wide range of art media from traditional tools like paint, to contemporary media like Snapchat. Student discussions will compare and contrast contemporary artists. Students will visit the CSULB School of Art Galleries, see the work of 4-5 different student artists, have conversations with the artists, and write blog posts about the work.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, the student will have:
- Been introduced to many creative media tools
- Produced an ePortfolio of their work in Art110 and at CSULB
- Seen 50 – 60 different art exhibitions at the CSULB SOA Galleries
- Conversed with many student artists about their work
- Conversed with many classmates about the work on exhibition at the CSULB SOA Galleries
Format of the Course
Each week this course includes:
1. A small group discussion about artists & ideas
2. Art Experience
3. Conversation with a student artist exhibiting in the CSULB SOA Galleries
4. Conversation with an Art110 classmate about the work in the CSULB SOA Galleries
The Weekly Discussion will be contained within Tuesday classes.
For the Art Experience, and Conversations, you’ll make 3 blog posts on your WordPress.com website, 1 for each item.
Due Dates
Each week’s posts are due by 11:59pm on Sunday night.
No Late Work
Work is due by 11:59pm on Sunday nights. No late work will be accepted.
Your Internet Device / Camera (Phone, Tablet, or Laptop) is your textbook. Please be sure to bring it to every class as you will need to use it every day.
see the materials list
This is not a “textbook” course, but an experience course. If you don’t come to class, you haven’t done the course. Points will be based on classtime work: Discussions on Tuesdays & Activities on Thursdays.
Missing 1 or 2 classes during the semester should not be too detrimental to your final grade. Beyond that you should see me immediately and most likely plan to take Art110 a different semester.
Points and Grades
- 15 Discussions x 20 = 300 points
- 14 Art Experiences x 25 = 350 points
- 11 Artist Conversations x 30 = 330 points
- 11 Classmate Conversations x 10 = 110 points
- Final: 110 points
Course Total Possible = 1,200 points.
1080 points = A
960 points = B
840 points = C
720 points = D
719 & below = F
For some reason BeachBoard will show you your points, but not add them up for you. There are some fancy switches inside BeachBoard that Instructional Technology has to flip to get it to show you what all your individual points add up to. If someone reminds me to set this near the beginning of the semester, then you can see totals all semester instead of waiting till the end.
Extra Credit
Wk 4: Painting
The best place to paint is at the Venice Beach Legal Art Walls. Just about everyone who has ever gone has had a great time. Yes it’s far. Yes, I know you hate to drive. Just paint at home for full credit, or go to the Venice Beach Legal Art Walls to paint for +40 EC.
Wk 4: LA Art Book Fair ’16 – 11-14 Feb
Visit the LA Art Book Fair at The Geffen Contemporary at MOCA. Take photos and write about your experience for +50 EC. The event is free on Feb 12-14. The Thursday night reception on Feb 11 is US$10.
Rubric: Artist Conversations
Each Conversation starts off with a perfect score of 30. Points are deducted from that if necessary. Because Art110 is a large class of about 130 students, it is difficult to provide detailed feedback on your writing. I’m happy to discuss your writing at any time and to help you develop better ideas and better form. To help with a quick understanding of your work, we will grade with “Coded Points”. I hope you have no mistakes in your work and receive a full 30 points for each Artist Conversation Essay. If there are mistakes your points will quickly show what your mistake was. If you’d like further details, just send me an email and we can discuss it more fully.
- Misspelled Artist Name: 30 -20 = 10
- No Artist Tag, or incorrect tag: 30 -18 = 12
- No link to artist website (if they have one) 30 -16 = 14
- Not analytic enough / too short: 30 -14 = 16
- Poor Grammar: 30 -12 = 18
- Poor Post Naming: 30 -10 = 20
- No Photos: 30 -8 = 22
- Other misspellings: 30 -6 = 24
Rubric: Classmate Conversations
Each Conversation starts off with a perfect score of 10. Points are deducted from that if necessary:
- No Photos: -4
- Poor Post Naming: -4
- Too short: -4
- No link to classmate website: -4
Rubric: Art Experiences
Each Art Experience starts off with a perfect score of 25. Points are deducted from that if necessary:
- No Photos: -10
- Poor Post Naming: -10
- Too short: -10
Photos of what? For your Art Experiences, document your process! For Classmate Interviews, a photo with your classmate would be great. For Artist Interviews, a photo of the artist, or their work would be ok. Photos of both would be great.
Post Names
Please use this format:
- Wk2 – Art Experience – Plaster Casting
- Wk2 – Artist Conversation – Brianna Allen
- Wk2 – Classmate Conversation – Geri Weckstein
This standard format really helps me get through grading 129 x 3 posts every Monday. You can use 1 variation if you like. I’ve noticed that many of you like to use more creative titles for your Art Experiences – which is awesome! So please do use the above formats for your Weekly Conversations, but for your Art Experience, you can also use:
- Wk 1 – Demise via Kidnapping
Artist Essays
- Your Art Experience and Classmate Conversation posts can be casual.
- Your Artist Conversation writing must be college level.
The Artists you will meet in the SOA Galleries are mostly young artists just beginning their careers. They’ve typically worked for many months to put up the work we see in the galleries, and you are very likely the 1st person ever to write about them and their work! That’s awesome! But it also gives us the responsibility to be accurate and informed about the work.
Post Title
use the form:
Wk 9 – Artist Conversation – Maccabee Shelley
Info Block
Artist: Maccabee Shelley
Exhibition: No Redemption Value
Media: Ceramics, Glass, Mixed-Media, Installation
Gallery: CSULB School of Art, Gatov Gallery West
Website: MaccabeeShelley.com
Instagram: maccabeeshelley
About the Artist
In this paragraph you can provide a little background information on the artist. Are they a Graduate or Undergraduate student? Which Program from the CSULB School of Art are they in? What are their interests? What ideas does their work explore?
Formal Analysis
What is it? Describe the work. The “formal” qualities. The media or materials. The nature of the line, shape, color, rhythm, scale, texture, cadence, and so on. Is it straight? Jagged? Undulating? Sinuous? Staccato?
Content Analysis
What is it about? Relate the ideas you get from your conversation with the artist here. What’s on their mind? What are they thinking about? What ideas are they trying to explore?
Synthesis / My Experience
What does it mean? In this last section it’s about you! Synthesize the gestalt of this exhibition and how it resonates for you. How do the formal nature of the work and the artist’s ideas resonate with your own ideas, perceptions, and perspectives? Do things from your life experience, your academic experience, and other sources resonate here?
IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT YOU READ WHAT YOU’VE WRITTEN BEFORE YOU CLICK PUBLISH! Almost everyone makes small typos, awkward phrases, and other simple but distracting mistakes. Proofread! Proofread!! Proofread!!!
Artist Tags
The CSULB School of Art, Student Artists, are being generous with us. They galleries normally open at Noon, so they’re opening an hour early to talk to Art110. And they’re dealing with a big class like ours coming through their carefully assembled exhibition. And answering lots of questions from us! So lets try to thank them for their hospitality and for sharing their work with us. One great way to do this is to TAG your post. This gives them a tag they can click on to see all the posts we’ve written about them. The tags for your Artist Conversations are:
Each week when we visit the SOA Galleries, you’ll pick 1 of the shows for your Artist Conversation & Blog Post. This will almost always be in 1 of the 5 Galleries: Gatov West, Gatov East, Merlino Gallery, Werby Gallery or Dutzi Gallery. There may also be work installed or performed in the SOA Courtyard on occasion.
Another nice way to respect these artists is to try to have a real conversation with them about their work and their ideas first, and then ask to take a photo of them or their work. When 100 of us rush in with cell phones snapping all at once, the artists can start to feel like victims of paparazzi rather than appreciated artists.
Pretty much, if you participate on Tuesdays & put up 3 posts a week with Pix, Good Titles, nice Analysis, and a TAG for the artist, you should totally ace this class.
Other Details
The Art Department grants “incompletes” rarely and only for the most extreme conditions.
Withdrawal Deadlines
- By MyCSULB – Feb 1, @10pm
- w signature, Director, School of Art – April 15
- w signature, Director, School of Art and Dean, College of the Arts – May 6
No Grade Begging
At the end of every semester I receive long emails in florid prose explaining to me how important a student’s grade in Art110 is. That for [ insert excuse here ] reason, they are worried they won’t be getting the “A” or “C” or other grade they desired, and that considering how important the grade is to this student, is there any way I can help or anything they can do?
Please do not send me this email.
I hope the learning, knowledge, and experience of Art110 is more important to you than a letter on your transcript. But whether you care about actual learning, or only grades, in either case, if it is important to you, then don’t express that importance by begging at the end, express it by:
- Doing solid work all semester
- Turning everything in on-time or early
- Checking your points on BeachBoard regularly so you know exactly where you stand all semester
CSULB will make reasonable accommodations for any student who has a disability. It is the student’s responsibility to notify me in advance of the need for special accommodations. This course utilizes many activities and many tools. Most of you should have no trouble with any of this, however if anyone has challenges with any course aspect for any reason, please be in touch ASAP and we can work to find suitable alternatives. A sincere effort should result in real learning and a good grade, so never be afraid to ask for any accommodations you need, but do make a sincere effort.
Week 1
19-24 Jan
- Discussion: My Body: Francesca Woodman & Stelarc
- Art Experience: Photography 1: Landscapes with a Corpse
Week 2
25-31 Jan
- Discussion: Mass: Mona Hatoum & Anish Kapoor
- Art Experience: Sculpture: Plaster Casting
Week 3
1-7 Feb
- Discussion: Future Tense: Sight & World Builder
- Art Experience: Drawing 1: Snapchat
Week 4
8-14 Feb
- Discussion: The Street: Zevs & Banksy
- Art Experience: Painting 1: Legal Graffiti Writing
Week 5
15-21 Feb
- Discussion: The Cut: Stanley Kubrick & Joss Whedon
- Art Experience: Video: Group Project
Week 6
22-28 Feb
- Discussion: Photography: Nan Goldin & Mary Ellen Mark
- Art Experience: Photography 2: CSULB Photo Walk
Week 7
29 Feb – 6 Mar
- Discussion: The 21st Century: Marshall McLuhan & Andy Warhol
- Art Experience: Fiber Art: Wall Hanging
Week 8
7-13 Mar
- Discussion: Architecture: Frank Gehry & Peter Eisenman
- Art Experience: Drawing 2: CSULB Campus Architecture
Week 9
14-20 Mar
- Discussion: Space: Wolfgang Laib & Annette Messager
- Art Experience: Painting 2: Finger-Painting
Week 10
21-27 Mar
- Discussion: Cyber Culture: Vanessa Blaylock & Joseph DeLappe
- Art Experience: Game Design: Location Based Gaming (Geocaching)
Spring Break!
28 Mar – 3 Apr
Week 11
4-10 Apr
- Discussion: Italian Pranksters: Maurizio Cattelan & Eva and Franco Mattes
- Art Experience: Photography 3: Social Photography (Instagram)
Week 12
11-17 Apr
- Discussion: Procedural Art: Chuck Close & Sol LeWitt
- Art Experience: Painting 3: Procedural Art (Sol LeWitt)
Week 13
18-24 Apr
- Discussion: Metadata Matters: “Beautiful Woman” & “Gangsta”
- Art Experience: Transmedia Storytelling
Week 14
25 Apr – 1 May
- Discussion: Video Activism: 1700% & It Gets Better
- Art Experience: Social Practice: Flashmobs
Week 15
2-8 May
- Discussion: Holograms: Tupac Shakur & Hatsune Miku
- Art Experience: Week Off!
Thursday, May 12, 2016
10:15AM – 12:15PM
- School of Art Scavenger Hunt
- Do not be late.
- Do not book an airline ticket for May 11.

Shiva Nadjm, Art110 Fall ’15, with her name in bubble letters at the Venice Beach Legal Art Walls
hi my name is Enrique Plascencia, from art 110 tues, thurs. 11 – 1215pm,
my webpage link is https://wordpresscom64993.wordpress.com
Great Enrique!
Interesting URL! How did you choose it??
Hello, my name is Kordell Tan – Art 110 Tues/Thurs. 11-12:15pm.
My webpage link is https://thepurpleturtlestory.wordpress.com/
Awesome Kordell! Love your site already!!
Hi, my name is Patrick Dong from ART 110 every Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM. My webpage is https://yonkopat.wordpress.com/
Thanks Patrick! You’re on the roster! What else are you taking this semester?
Hi, my name is Aaron Dela Rosa and I am taking your Art 110 every Tuesday and Thursday from 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM. My webpage is https://aronismblog.wordpress.com/
Hope to have a great semester!
PS: My background design is an old original art piece back from AP Art.
Hey! My name is John Stouras! I am taking the ART-110 class that takes place every Tuesday and Thursday from 11-12:15! My awesome-cool(ish) webpage is https://greekishblog.wordpress.com
Hey! My name is Christine Kim
I am enrolled in Art 110 ( Tues/Thurs @ 11-12:15) check out my webpage: https://artistinsightx.wordpress.com/
Hi, My name is David Brown and I am enrolled in your ART-110 class that meets every Tuesday and Thursday from 11-12:15.
This is my page
Great Aaron, John, Christine & David – you’re on the roster!
Shout if you have any questions!
Have a good weekend & see you on Tuesday!