2D Art: Painting
Spray Paint your name in Bubble Letters, 2 colors
You can paint anywhere that’s legal! A piece of cardboard or plywood in your back yard is just fine. In fact, some peeps do awesome work in their backyards! But you might have more fun at the Venice Beach Legal Art Walls.
At the Venice Art Walls you can:
- Paint your name
- See other painting, from beginner classmates to some awesome murals by pros
- Sun, Sand, Surf, Palm Trees
- Art Walls, Skate Park, Basketball Courts, Muscle Beach are all next to each other
- Eclectic mix from rich & famous artists (Digital Domain, Chiat Day, Frank Gehry, Claes Oldenburg, Jonathan Borofsky, Mark DiSuvero) to starving artists selling paintings on the Venice Boardwalk for $5!
- Cheap Slices of Giant Pizza
You want to go! But you hate to drive! So let me sweeten the pot for you. You can paint anywhere that’s legal for full credit. If you go to the Venice Artwalls, I’ll give you +35 of EC!
Feeling Greedy?
kk, fine, you can have another 10 points of EC if you visit the nearby LA Louvre art gallery. They’re open 10-6 on Saturday and closed Sunday, so this extra part of the EC only works Saturday. For this bonus, just include a photo of yourself inside the gallery, and one paragraph about what you saw there.
The Art Walls are NOT open weekdays!
The Art Walls are Open Sat & Sun from 10am to 1/2 hour before sunset.
I created this Activity because I thought you’d enjoy Venice, The Beach, Painting, and just getting out for a while. It surprised me the first time someone didn’t do the activity at all, but just Googled for photos and faked a post. Before you do that, please review the Cheating & Plagiarism section of the 2015-2016 CSULB Catalog. Pay careful attention to my responsibilities and the academic actions that may be taken against you.
Whether you go to Venice or not, be sure your blog post includes a clear photo of YOU with YOUR WORK.
• Free: On the street, far, walk!
• Really Close: about $15
• Earlier tends to be easier
- Cheaper
- More Fun
- Even if you don’t have a car… half the class or more does!
- Go ahead, ask someone!!
I’ll be there on Saturday from 10am to Noon. You really don’t need any help from me, but it’d be nice to say “Hi!” and hangout. I’ll bring some iced tea too!
Sketch your name in bubble letters
You should use at least 2 colors on your name.
Inspiration: Bomb It
Here’s a great documentary on Street Art & Graffiti Writing, Bomb It. It’s 90 minutes and you don’t have to watch it all. But it’s a pretty great film so you might just want to pop a bag of popcorn and let it run…
• Do a sketch of your name in Bubble Letters in advance.
• Paint your name in Bubble Letters.
• Blog it! Include a few pictures and talk about your experience. Be sure your blog post includes a clear photo of YOU with YOUR WORK.
Is there anyone willing to carpool on Saturday? I live on campus so I don’t have a car but I can give you some gas money or something!
I will be going Saturday along with my sister if you want to carpool. My sister also lives on campus so it won’t be a hassle for me to pick up another person. I was deciding on leaving early morning around 8:30, just in case there is traffic, which hopefully there is not. But we can talk about it if you want to leave a little earlier/later.
Lmk if your interested so we can decide when we want to go and so I can stop by to pick you up.
Thank you so much but I found a ride!
Hey guys!
I will be going tomorrow to Venice Beach for the painting extra credit if anyone wants to tag along. I will be going with my sister, so I have room for 3 more people. I already printed out the “Venice Art Walls Artist Agreement” forms that we will need to fill out and hand in, in order to tag on the walls.
I live in North Long Beach but I will be making a trip to the school in the morning to pick my sister up from her dorm. I plan on leaving around 8:30 am, latest 9:00 am, to be there as soon as they open. All I will be asking for is gas money, that’s it.
Lmk if you guys are interested.
Thanks for reaching out to your classmates Priscilla! Awesomesauce!!