Last week we worked on ePortfolios and this we’re creating a “Hi, it’s me! Welcome to my website!” vlog to put on our “About” or “About Me” pages. Full details on the Vlog Activity Page.
All points through the end of Week 8 are now up on BeachBoard. We’ve had 464 points possible so far and here’s the number you should have now to be on track for each grade level:
418 points = A pace – 103 peeps
371 points = B pace – 18 peeps
325 points = C pace – 6 peeps
279 points = D pace – 7 peeps
278 points = F pace – 9 peeps
Lots of nice work last week! Here are a few samples:
Allison put up a nice “About Me” on her site. She wrote it in 3rd person.
It’s always a question whether to write about yourself in 3rd person or 1st person and people make both choices all the time. For sure it’s YOUR choice!
3rd person does have a certain authorial or definitive quality, but ultimately it feels detached and sometimes a little weird when “I tell you that Glenn is a smart and wonderful person”. In my own opinion, 1st person is stronger. It’s more direct, more connected, and perhaps more honest. It feels more conversational with your reader.
Another question I’ve spent way too much time thinking about is, as an interviewer, if your questions should be phrased “tell us” or “tell me”. Tell us has a nice democratic quality, in that you’re not trying to be Interviewer-God, you’re just the audience member who happens to be asking the questions, so you ask the interesting guest to “tell (all of) us” about something.
In the end though, I think “tell us” has the same disconnected, affected quality. I find “tell me” to be more direct, active, and connected. If your interview is compelling, the audience will be plenty happy to hear the interviewer ask “tell me” of the interesting guest.
Again, I don’t want to press this too hard, since plenty of peeps do prefer to write in 3rd person, but in my judgement, we’re not writing obituaries here! 1st person is more active, connected, and dynamic. It lets YOU talk about YOUR PASSION. And whether you’re trying to be a screenwriter, a fashion merchandiser, a vintage car restorer, an awesome cosplayer, a passionate marine biologist, a rockin band, or anything else, that active and connected communication is almost as important as the thing you do so well. It’s the way you bring people into your world and get them to hire you, play with you, support you, etc. IMHO.
curated by Bethany King, – Gatov West – TAG: king
Restart expresses the impact of spirituality on art. Featured artists express Jesus’s influence on their lives through mixed media works.
Salon des Refusés
curated by André Stevenson – Gatov East – TAG: stevenson
Based on the 1863 salon of the same name, “Salon des Refusés” (“Exhibition of Rejects”) is an exhibition of rejected or unfavorably criticized work from all School of Art disciplines at CSULB.
Christine Hudson
BFA Ceramics – Merlino Gallery – TAG: hudson
Christine Hudson presents an interactive installation of numerous handmade porcelain teeth in her BFA exhibition.
Heather Hassenbein
BFA Ceramics – Dutzi Gallery – TAG: hassenbein
Heather Hassenbein’s BFA exhibition features wall-mounted works that reflect natural and abstract themes.
Sculpture Program Group Exhibition
Werby Gallery – TAG: csulbsculpture
The Sculpture Program Group Exhibition is self-organized and features artwork by the BFA Sculpture program.
Hi guys, I want to remind you to be sure to use the Artist Tag on your post each week. That tag is the ONLY WAY we can really say “thank you” to your peers, the CSULB Student Artists who came in early to open just for us, and also for their months of work preparing their exhibition. A LOT of you are missing Artist Tags and it’s really not fair to the artists.
Last week we had 3 shows. In Gatov West, Gatov East, and Werby was the CSULB SOA “Advancement Show.” In Dutzi was a printmaking exchange show. And our one Solo Artist Show last week was Brian Davis in Merlino.
Advancement tag: csulbmfa – 34 tagged posts
Printmaking tag: csulbprintmaking – 16 tagged posts
Brian Davis tag: davis – 7 tagged posts
Thank You! To the 57 of you who tagged your artists! Unfortunately that means 86 of you did not tag an artist for week 8. PLEASE DO IT THIS WEEK!
In the arts, like Fine Art or Dance or Theatre for example, there isn’t the “academic” degree of “PhD.” Instead the “terminal degree” (highest you can go) is the MFA (master of fine arts). So artists can get a BA or BFA and then just as some history or philosophy majors get an MA and then a PhD, while others just go straight to the PhD, artists can get an MA and then an MFA, or just go straight to the MFA. When you’re in an MFA program, maybe halfway through, you have to “Advance to Candidacy”. “Advancing” means that the School is approving what you’ve done and where you’re headed and you can now work on completing your thesis. Again, in “academic” disciplines your thesis is typically a long written work, but in the arts it is typically a thesis Art Exhibition, Dance Concert, etc.
When we see an “MFA Show” or “BFA Show” in the galleries, that exhibition is the presentation of the student’s graduate or undergraduate thesis to the university and wider community. As you’ve seen, the galleries also have “Group” shows, like Photography Club or Printmaking Exchange. And there are also “non-degree shows,” by both grad students and undergrads. A “non-degree show” is just a way of saying that it isn’t their “Thesis Exhibition,” instead it is some work or some progress toward a thesis exhibition that they’d like to show.
Asian Cultural Council – Individual Grants
The Asian Cultural Council (ACC) provides funding for artists and scholars who seek to grow in their craft or field to conduct research and study, receive specialized training, undertake observation tours, or pursue non-commercial creative activity in the United States or among the countries of Asia.
Deadline: 11/01/2014
[email protected]
No, Art110’s “Brittany Binder” is not the fashion model from Sugar Land, TX, but she’s the only “Brittany Binder” I could find a photo of. So here’s the wrong “Brittany Binder,” and I’ll try to have a photo of the right one for next week.
Brittany Binder is going to join me in looking at your collective 429 posts each week! Brittany is a 2nd year graduate in the CSULB SOA Art History program. She’s actually working on TWO degrees, or to be more precise a degree and a “certificate.” She’s working on an MA in Mexican-American Art History and also a Certificate in Museum Studies. I’m not sure if her schedule will allow it, but perhaps she can come say “Hi” in UT-108 on a Tuesday, or spend a few minutes with us at the SOA Galleries on a Thursday. As you might know, in addition to all the Art Galleries at the SOA, there is also the “University Art Museum” (UAM) down on the other end of campus by the Horn Center & the Business Department. Brittany is working on a show that will open at the UAM later this semester. Perhaps we can arrange an opportunity for you to go down, see the show, have a conversation with Brittany, and blog about it for extra credit.
Anyway, I mostly wanted to let you know that Brittany is joining us and I’ll take the liberty of saying on behalf of all of you, Welcome Brittany!
]]>Yes, it’s that week I’ve been going on about since day 1. It’s time to make “our” websites really OURS! Details on the ePortfolio Activity Page!
Visit our Gallery Page for info on this week’s artists and the TAGS you should BE SURE to use with your Artist Conversation post!
We’ve got 7 weeks up on BeachBoard now and the total possible is 406. Here’s how many points you should have to be on track for each grade level:
A pace = 365 points – 105 peeps
B pace = 324 points – 15 peeps
C pace = 283 points – 7 peeps
D pace = 242 points – 7 peeps
F pace = 241 points – 9 peeps
VB from Diana Martinez on Vimeo.
Venice Beach Week 7 from Anna Joy on Vimeo.
Venice Beach from Kiara Kensie on Vimeo.
Venice Art Walls from Conny Ramirez on Vimeo.
My friends and I went to Venice to legally spray paint on the infamous art walls as part of our art class assignment, it was a great experience and here's what I was able to get from it.
Evan Huang shot the last “Blood Moon” (Lunar Eclipse) of 2014!
We finally got a video of Plastic Castle (Andy ‘n Diaz) at the Whiskey thanks to our intrepid reporter Diana Martinez.
In other exciting news this week, Glenn got a new surfski (a fancy kayak)
This week Halloween comes early with our “Counterfactual Identity” project. Read the full details on our Counterfactual Identity, Activity Page!
Another full slate of galleries this week. Be sure to add the URL for your Artist & Classmate Conversations. Be sure to use the Correct Tags! Visit the Gallery Page to be sure. Also, here they are:
Wk 5 – Sep 21 – 15
The Photography Symposium features artwork from local community college faculty and video work from School of Art BFA photography students photography program. Mike Lewis engages with unregulated space in his hometown by displaying it in photographs and found objects. The Photography Club hosts an exhibition thematically centered around connection and disconnection in relation to the internet and internet culture.
Points through the end of Wk4 are now up on BeachBoard. We’ve had 232 possible, and here’s the number of points you should have if you’re on track for each letter grade:
Evan Huang‘s midnight trip to Joshua Tree!
Lots of great work by many of you. But others are really pushing the limits of short-and-not-saying-much. You’ll notice I’m starting to deduct points. What does good work look like? Check out:
Chris Espinoza takes it to a whole other level! Go Experience It!
Wk 4 Plaster Casting Activity from Anna Joy on Vimeo.
KS for SFSH (Art 110/Wk 3 Activity) from Anna Joy on Vimeo.
A lot of great project pitches from so many of you! Here are a few on this page. One small but important detail that a lot of you overlooked is that on group projects you didn’t list your partners full names and give links to their websites. I can’t stress how important this is on so many levels. Please be sure to check these “small” details!
Your points through Wk 3 are now on BeachBoard. Please be sure to check yours! We’ve had 174 points possible so far. If you have 157 or better, you’re on “A” pace. If you have 103 or less, you’re on “F” pace. Here’s the breakdown so far:
157 points – A – 99 peeps
139 points – B – 23 peeps
122 points – C – 7 peeps
104 points – D – 3 peeps
103 points – F – 11 peeps
14 peeps have a perfect 174 points! And 60 peeps have more than 174! Great job almost everyone! But if you are at the bottom end of the scale, now’s the time to take action. Need help? Ask me! Need to get serious? Just do it! Need to drop? This week is better than next week!
“Couch Potato” – Indiegogo Promo from Studio J on Vimeo.
The pitch video for our short film's crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo.
Kickstarter – Golden State Of Mind from diana martinez on Vimeo.
Welcome to Week 4 and our Sculpture Experience. In Wk1 we made websites. In Wk2 we played with Instagram. In Wk 3 Kickstarter. It’s already Wk4, and we go to a school called The Beach, and as you might have noticed, it’s a million degrees outside, so it seems like time we should have a project to go to the Actual Beach! Here it is!
Full Details on the Art110 Plaster Casting Page!
PS: It seems like a lot of you are not reading the weekly Activity pages. The have all the details on the project & your blog post. Be sure to visit them!
KickStarter Vid from Antonio Lavermon on Vimeo.
The Effect of KSFF LA 2014 on My Dad from Anna Joy on Vimeo.